Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Free Playbook Shows How to Improve Business Phone Communications

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Free Playbook Shows How to Improve Business Phone Communications

For many businesses, inquiries from new or potential customers tend to come in waves. For example, retail shops are likely to see more activity during the holidays. Personal trainers are often busiest around the new year.

And real estate agents tend to field the most calls during the summer months. Even if your company doesn’t have a season that is especially busy, there’s probably a day or time each week that tends to see a lot more activity.

The opportunity for bringing in a ton of new business is exciting. But it can be tough for small businesses to manage the extra workload needed to handle the rush of inquiries efficiently. Bringing in extra team members isn’t always possible when there are limited resources available. But there are options for making the most of these busy times or seasons without stretching your business to the limit.

That’s why CallJoy has released a brand new playbook chock full of tips and tricks to help businesses manage higher than usual call volumes and capitalize on these busy periods. To learn more about dealing with these especially busy periods and making the most of your small business phone calls, get your free copy of CallJoy’s “Four Steps for Conquering High Call Volumes During Peak Periods” below.


So why is it so important for small businesses to be able to efficiently handle phone calls during peak hours? According to CallJoy’s research, 85% of customers whose calls are not answered will not call back.

In many small businesses, there may be just one or two people available to answer calls at any given time. And those employees may have to wear multiple hats as well, which takes their focus away from calls and potentially allows your business to miss out on a ton of new customers.

There’s a lot of pressure on small businesses to overperform during these peak periods. But you don’t need to put a major strain on your company’s limited resources just to make the most of your phone calls.

There are plenty of simple things you can do to plan, analyze, and automate parts of the process so you can dedicate the time and energy needed to interact with each customer individually, without harming productivity around your business.

CallJoy’s must-read playbook includes four actionable steps that small businesses can take right away to make the most of these phone calls, even when things are especially busy. For example, you can learn all about actually identifying your peak call periods, whether they’re specific seasons, days of the week, or even times of day.

Then the playbook goes into how you can train employees to answer calls efficiently while still providing exceptional service that helps you keep existing customers — or convert new ones. Finally, it helps you dive even deeper to analyze what people are calling about so you can create processes and potentially even automate certain tasks. This helps your employees avoid being tied up answering calls all day long.

That last step could potentially be a game changer for a lot of businesses. Think about how many times a customer or prospect calls you asking the same set of questions. For a restaurant, it might be people calling to check your hours. For a theater, a lot of people may just be looking for showtimes.

If you can automate those responses, you’re able to very easily provide people with the responses they need without having to dedicate valuable work hours to answering tons of calls. That gives your team more time back to focus on other tasks.

And when someone does call in with a unique question that requires a response from a real person, they’ll be more apt to respond quickly and have the time to dedicate to that customer because they’re not tied down with a bunch of other inquiries that could easily be answered by an automated system. If this sounds like something that could change the landscape of your business, you really need to check out CallJoy’s tips to find out exactly how to make this happen.

This hot off the press playbook is the perfect addition to every business owner’s virtual bookshelf, especially around the busy holiday season. If you’ve noticed a lack of preparation during your company’s busy season, or if you just want to be prepared for the next time one of those busy seasons rolls around, head to the link below to get your free copy right away.


Image: Depositphotos.com

This article, "Free Playbook Shows How to Improve Business Phone Communications" was first published on Small Business Trends

Originally posted on Free Playbook Shows How to Improve Business Phone Communications via Small Business and Franchises

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