Friday, December 27, 2019

Strengthen Your Customer Loyalty by Delivering on These Points

Strengthen Your Customer Loyalty by Delivering on These Points

Gaining customers is the first step, and a big one at that! But the next step — keeping those customers coming back — is ongoing work. Your customer base can act as your cheering squad as long as you keep them feeling good about your brand. Sure, they might need your products, but there’s a good chance they can get them from a competitor. So, you need to stand out and also stay top of mind.

Why is Customer Loyalty Important?

Once your customers become emotionally attached to your product or service, they know what they want and even more, they feel that they need it. At some point, they even become brand advocates. But this takes time and effort before it becomes a reality.

Loyal customers have habits that help your business, such as:

  • Rarely considering other brands.
  • Requesting your company by name.
  • Recommending your company to other people.
  • Being ready to wait longer and drive farther to get your product or service.
  • Accepting updates more easily.
  • Continuing to pay the premium price.

One of the keystone characteristics of loyalty starts with likeability. One of the best ways to get people to like you is to create a mutually beneficial relationship. That’s why getting to know a customer more personally {assigning a personal account manager or customer support agent can help with this} is worth the time and effort.

1. Provide A Valuable Experience

Quality experiences are more valuable than money. Think about it: that’s why gifts offering experiences can mean more than buying material items. If you already have a community of loyal customers, consider offering them a special experience vs. another discount or referral bonus. This kind of reward represents gratitude for their loyalty and shows you want to return the favor. This is also a natural and authentic way to get shares on social media.

2. Build a Community

Create a community where customers {and potential future customers that they invite} can share useful content and have the opportunity to communicate, discuss, and share opinions + feedback.

3. The Best Service for The Best Customers

Feeling special feels good, and that can go a looong way in customer loyalty. Your customers should feel that they are being treated better than the rest. Why? Because they made a decision to choose you. Use this example, which is probably something you’re doing already: you launch a new service, product, or feature. Send a sneak peek to your current database of customers  before officially revealing it to the public.

4. Make the Relationship About More Than Business

There’s nothing wrong with talking to your customers when it relates to the business they are doing with you or when they need your support, but start engaging at other times. Learning to understand their likes + dislikes can boost loyalty. Broaden your communication with customers so that the conversation is not only about the business.

5. Engage Regularly

Create a human element when messages go out to a customer. Personal treatment from a team member who checks in or even comments on social posts where your brand is tagged or hashtagged keeps you top of mind and adds a layer of appreciation, even when they are necessarily in the buying mode.

6. Be Transparent

There’s a lot of research that shows clients tend to be loyal to brands that don’t hide secrets and lead the business in a transparent way. Being open about a process, situation, or statement of quality is recognized by customers.

7. Collaborate

Within your customer database are stories and experiences worth sharing. Highlighting these customers, and tying their story into your brand makes the conversation less about the business and much more about the customer.

8. Collect Information

It’s the simple things that count. Send a birthday card or anniversary reminder, for example. Customer loyalty is developed and retained by personalized service where customers feel seen, rather than just another number.

9. Give More, Creatively

Giving is not just about discounts or offer codes. Having customers receive their order earlier than expected is an example of giving back. This kind of act is remembered by most and shows a reliability — they can count on you and will return next time they need something quickly. And this can work for a service business too, but completing work earlier than expected.

10. Always Be Honest, Even If It Risks Losing a Customer

Not all your products or services will be a fit for a customer, and that’s ok. Instead of leaving them with nowhere to turn and no solution to their problem, become a resource. Know what business to recommend and show that their end goal is more important than spending money with your brand.

Republished by permission. Original here.


This article, "Strengthen Your Customer Loyalty by Delivering on These Points" was first published on Small Business Trends

Originally posted on Strengthen Your Customer Loyalty by Delivering on These Points via Small Business and Franchises

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