Saturday, December 7, 2019

10 Tips for Adjusting to Changes in the Small Business Landscape

Over time, the tools, strategies, and processes that businesses use are likely to change. The end of the year is a perfect time for entrepreneurs to evaluate their current processes and make adjustments where necessary. If you’re working on changing things up for your business in 2020, these tips from members of the online small business community may help.

Study the Success of Other Entrepreneurs

We’re thrilled to share this recent interview with Small Business Trends founder Anita Campbell. Check out Anita’s conversation with Forbes senior contributor Micah Solomon about how she launched Small Business Trends with a single blog post back in October 2003 — and how she’s developed her business over time.

Keep Up with Local Search Algorithm Changes

Search marketing is essential for any local business. But over time, Google tends to make adjustments that could impact the success of your campaigns. There’s evidence that some of these changes may be happening right now. Learn more in this Bright Local post by Rosie Murphy.

Get Inspired by These Holiday Email Campaigns

During the holiday season, you’ll probably market your business differently than you do during the rest of the year. So it’s a good idea to get inspired by other holiday marketing campaigns. Before crafting your emails this season, check out this GetResponse post by Michal Leszczynski.

Use New Content Marketing Strategies for 2020

Consumer preferences tend to change year after year. As such, your marketing methods need to change regularly as well. If you use content marketing to promote your business, use the strategies in this post by Andy Nathan in 2020. Then head over to the BizSugar community to read commentary on the post.

Learn About the Latest Facebook Features

Facebook recently started rolling out new brand safety tools to help advertisers gain more control over the placement and context of their ads. In order to make the most of these new features, you need to first learn about the options outlined in this Marketing Land post by Taylor Peterson.

Successfully Organize Your Finances

Your finances are almost certainly going to change over the course of running your business. If you want to successfully manage this area of your business, you need to make adjustments and learn from the experts. In this Smart Marketerz post, Erik Emanuelli offers some tips that you may find helpful.

Compete Better in 2020

A new year usually offers a fresh start of sorts for small businesses. If you want to start off on the right foot in 2020 and position yourself favorably against the competition, check out the tips in this Biz Penguin post by Ivan Widjaya.

Keep Blog Readers Reading with Your Choice of Words

When you write a blog for your business, it’s important to be very intentional with your choice of words. If your current strategy isn’t really working, it may be time to switch things up. Read this Always Write post by David Leonhardt for more information. Then see what members of the BizSugar community are saying here.

Manage Talent Effectively

As your business grows, you’re likely to bring on new team members that you’ll need to manage. In order to maximize the talent on your team, you need efficient processes in place. This Process Street post by Jane Courtnell includes tons of tips and resources to help in this area.

Learn the Rules of Using LLC as your Business Changes

Over time, your business goals might evolve to include more than one idea. If you start another business, you need to know the rules for making sure everything is covered under an LLC or your business structure of choice. Nellie Akalp outlines some of the details in this CorpNet post.

If you’d like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to:


This article, "10 Tips for Adjusting to Changes in the Small Business Landscape" was first published on Small Business Trends

Originally posted on 10 Tips for Adjusting to Changes in the Small Business Landscape via Small Business and Franchises

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