Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Spotlight: Cronin Creations Founder All Smiles after Leaving Dental Industry for Entrepreneurship

From Dentistry to Design - The Journey Behind Custom Printing Company Cronin Creations

Not all entrepreneurs start their careers in their industry of choice. Some make massive shifts after learning about a new passion or interest. Such was the case for the founder of Cronin Creations. She left a successful career in dentistry to jump into the design world. Read about her journey and the business she has built in this week’s Small Business Spotlight.

What the Business Does

Prints custom goods.

Owner Jessica Cronin told Small Business Trends, “We sell custom goods for businesses, individuals, and events. We print custom apparel in house with intention of being the highest quality offered in the area.”

Business Niche

Fast turnaround and quality.

Cronin says, “We get the product made on time and make sure our customers are smiling when they walk out the door.”

From Dentistry to Design - The Journey Behind Custom Printing Company Cronin Creations

How the Business Got Started

By leaping into a new field.

Cronin originally started her career in the dentistry field. But she left her job last fall and jumped into the business world, moving step by step to get everything up and running.

Biggest Win

Watching the client base grow quickly.

Cronin says, “It was high risk to start a business at $0.00. The steady incoming orders for custom goods has kept us growing and achieving more.”

Biggest Risk

Leaving a steady career to jump into business.

Cronin explains, “There were definitely moments of “what am I doing” in the beginning. Dropping a steady career to follow what I loved, wasn’t entirely easy. Staying in business takes strength, and seven days a week of constant hard work.”

Lesson Learned

Figure out what works and drop the rest.

Cronin says, “We stopped offering certain services that people wanted, but were not profitable. It’s a game of weeding out what is working and what isn’t working while trying to keep the customers happy with what we are putting out.”

From Dentistry to Design - The Journey Behind Custom Printing Company Cronin Creations

How They’d Spend an Extra $100,000

Investing in new equipment.

Cronin adds, “Equipment means growth.”

Favorite Quote

“You can.”

Favorite Office Visitors

A couple of dogs.

Cronin says, “The office has two Labrador retrievers that come in to fetch some toilet water – it’s inevitable. Everyone loves coming in to see their big faces.”

* * * * *

Find out more about the Small Biz Spotlight program

Images: Cronin Creations, Jessica Cronin

This article, "Spotlight: Cronin Creations Founder All Smiles after Leaving Dental Industry for Entrepreneurship" was first published on Small Business Trends

Originally posted on Spotlight: Cronin Creations Founder All Smiles after Leaving Dental Industry for Entrepreneurship via Small Business and Franchises

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