Wednesday, September 18, 2019

In the Spotlight: International Van Lines Moves Towards Better Customer Service

In the Spotlight: How One Founder Changed His Industry with International Van Lines

Working in an industry is the perfect way to learn what you need to know before starting a business. That’s exactly what the founder of International Van Lines did before jumping into entrepreneurship. He realized that there were plenty of issues with the moving and logistics industry. So he decided to solve them.

Read about the journey he went through and the business he created in this week’s Small Business Spotlight.

What the Business Does

Provides long-distance and international moving services.

President Josh Morales told Small Business Trends, “My business is known for its reputation, quality of service, and customer care. Although that may seem like a small thing, it’s huge in an industry that lacks quality. There are also many scams and thousands of complaints in the moving industry. We’ve set ourselves apart by simply caring about the customer.”

Business Niche

Ensuring quality service from the team.

“We go above and beyond with the hiring process of our movers, drivers, and staff. It’s essential to the company that everyone is like-minded and has the customers best interests at hand. We hold a weekly meeting, quarterly training, and have a dedicated compliance department to ensure we’re all on the same page.”

How the Business Got Started

Due to flaws with existing providers.

“I was working for an international freight forwarder from 19-23 years old. I saw many flaws with the way they were conducting business and decided to venture off on my own. It was risky, but I was convinced I could do it better. I left on good terms and started my company out of my bedroom at my parent’s house. I will never forget my very first sale.”

Biggest Win

Receiving a license from the Federal Maritime Commission.

“I was 24 at the time and the youngest person in history to receive it. It was the biggest win because it opened up doors for everything we’re doing today. It also gave them the confidence to pursue growing my business.”

Biggest Risk

Adding domestic moves to their list of services.

“I’ve never worked for a domestic moving company, so there was a lack of knowledge. However, I took the risk, made the investment, and it worked out.”

Lesson Learned

Find work-life balance.

“If I could do it all over again, honestly I wouldn’t worry as much as I did. Work kept me up at night, and I would bring it wherever I go. As I grew as a business owner, I started working on balance. Balance for me is essential as I am a father of three children today and a foster parent.”

How They’d Spend an Extra $100,000

Save for the future.

“If I had an extra $100,000 in my business account, I would leave it there for a rainy day. You never know what’s going to happen, so it’s essential always to have a healthy reserve.”

Team Tradition

Giving back.

“We spend a lot of time helping foster parents, kids, and the less fortunate. We hold drives to collect food, clothes, school supplies and offer free moving service for foster parents in the area.”

Favorite Quote

“True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us.” – Socrates

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Find out more about the Small Biz Spotlight program

Images: International Van Lines, Josh Morales

This article, "In the Spotlight: International Van Lines Moves Towards Better Customer Service" was first published on Small Business Trends

Originally posted on In the Spotlight: International Van Lines Moves Towards Better Customer Service via Small Business and Franchises

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