Saturday, September 14, 2019

10 Ideas for Starting and Building Your Business From the Ground Up

Running a business requires constantly finding new sources of inspiration. You might draw from other business experts, social media platforms or even exotic locations around the world. Whether you’re just getting started in business or have years of experience under your belt, you may be able to benefit from some of these tips from the online small business community on staying inspired and motivated.

Understand Where to Find Inspiration

Great entrepreneurs need constant inspiration in order to stay motivated to do the necessary work on a daily basis. Inspiration can sometimes be hard to come by. But this CrowdsUnite post by Alex Feldman includes three tips you can use to get inspired when you’re just starting out.

Learn About Building a Large Following from Instagram Influencers

You don’t necessarily need a huge following on social platforms like Instagram in order to make a major impact. But it doesn’t hurt. And who has massive followings that you can potentially learn from? Instagram influencers. Glean some advice from these popular accounts with the tips in this Social Media Revolver post by Ivan Kreimer.

Give Your Network a Connection Cleanup

Your professional network can be an amazing source of inspiration and motivation for your business — but only if you nurture it. If your network is full of stale contacts you haven’t connected with in years, it could be time for a cleanup. Kate Hart details what the process looks like in this post.

Start a Business That Supports Your Lifestyle

Traveling to new locations can be an amazing way to stay inspired as a business owner. And certain types of businesses lend themselves perfectly to a traveling lifestyle. If this sounds like the business life for you, check out the options in this Miss Millennia Magazine post by Jamie T. Wiseman.

Rethink Customer Engagement

The way you interact with customers on a daily basis can make a major impact on your success. If you’re having issues, it may be time to rethink customer engagement, as Tracey Ruff explores in this Userlane post. BizSugar members also shared thoughts on the post here.

Try Video Content Marketing

Keeping up a steady stream of content ideas can sometimes be challenging for B2B businesses. But these businesses can still benefit from video marketing and similar tactics. In this SmallBizDaily post, Mitt Ray offers some ideas you can draw inspiration from.

Understand the Basics of Business Ethics

Ethics are essential for building a business with sustainable growth and success. But there are some misconceptions about what building an ethical business actually means. If you don’t want your business to get off track, read this post by Martin Zwilling of Startup Professionals Musings.

Consider Productivity when Designing Your Office Space

Your office space can make a major impact on your productivity and inspiration as you work on your business. By decorating your office intentionally, you can actually improve the way you work. Ivan Widjaya shares tips for setting everything up in this Biz Epic post.

Understand How to Use Color Psychology in Your Marketing

The colors you choose for your website can make a major impact on the impression you make with customers. In this post, Are Morch discusses the role of color psychology when it comes to hotel marketing. But the ideas could be relevant for a variety of businesses. See what BizSugar members had to say about the post here.

Follow Retail and Other Trends When Shaping Your Marketing Strategy

Black Friday and Cyber Monday may still be months away. But it’s never too early for businesses to start planning. And another recent shopping holiday, Prime Day, could provide some clues for how to shape your strategy. Learn more in this Search Engine Land post by Andrew Waber.

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This article, "10 Ideas for Starting and Building Your Business From the Ground Up" was first published on Small Business Trends

Originally posted on 10 Ideas for Starting and Building Your Business From the Ground Up via Small Business and Franchises

1 comment:

  1. Digital innovation In the ‘AGE OF TECHNOLOGY’ that we live in retailers and manufacturers for a long time have been using innovative ways to share data and collaborate as well as with the consumers,The collaboration generally includes trade planning, demand forecasting.
